Welcome to the New Normal

Thursday 6th August 2020

What a strange and challenging time it has been for all of us both in our personal and working lives. Our world has changed dramatically since lockdown was first announced and here, we are just over 10 weeks later taking our first tentative steps outside and back to normality. The future is still uncertain but what we do know is that the NEW normal is going to be very different from what was considered ‘the norm’ merely 3 months ago! Social distancing is now part of daily life and these two words will govern how we work and play for the foreseeable future.

As business people, we are keen to get our companies moving again whilst keeping our staff and customers safe. As various market sectors get the green light to reopen, there will be a responsibility to practice social distancing and take steps to make this happen in the workplace. In addition to education, this will involve fitting out premises with appropriate signage, barriers, floor graphics, acrylic sneeze guards, sanitising stations etc. and will apply to all business premises from corporate offices to your local shop.

This is going to create a significant requirement that lasers, engraving machines and printers can fill while realising the business opportunity. Here are a few suggestions:

  Sneeze Guards & Screens

Transparent acrylic guards will be in big demand for areas were close contact (i.e. less than 2meters) is unavoidable like shop tills, reception desks, ticket offices, banks, schools and so on. At CSI we stock acrylic sheets in a variety of sizes and thicknesses from 2mm to 10mm

 Safety & Instructional Signs

Clear and concise signage will play a significant role in social distancing plans and were as a printed A4 page maybe quick fix, the ongoing requirement will be for semi-permanent signs that will wear and can be cleaned with disinfectant. There is also some discussion (at the time of writing) on the future provision of Braille and tactile signage for the visually impaired. We hold a vast range of Rowmark sign making materials which are laser, engraver and print-ready.

 Floor Marking Stencils

There may be a requirement for floor marking to indicate one way systems and holding areas. These can be painted using stencils and permanent or semi-permanent paints. We have serval materials that suit this application including Rowmark Lucents which is a 0.64mm modified acrylic which is easy to cut and great for multi-use stencils.

 Face Shields

This is a product that I know a lot of laser owners have been making for front line medical staff during the pandemic. We have stock of transparent 0.5mmm PET and 0.6mm PET-G sheets.


The potential business opportunities created post COVID-19 could be the catalyst to renew or upgrade current equipment or even invest for the first time. We have a wide range of laser engravers, laser cutters and CNC machines by Epilog, Lotus and Vision available for purchase or lease. Our experienced team are on hand to guide you through the process and find the 'best fit' solution for your needs.

If you have a question or would like more information on the products mentioned in this blog please call 0117 911 4367 or email info@csionline.co.uk

The CSI Team.

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